Friday, August 22, 2008

Overheard from a group of five preteens at the library

I make smores in the microwave. Take some chocolate chips, smother them with Hershey’s kisses and sprinkle them with sugar…mwah!

You do that to Hershey’s kisses?!

Well, *I* make macaroni and cheese with candy.

I’ve tried Skittles and ham!

I made a hero sandwich, but instead of meat it has candy. And also meat, and hot sauce.

So many people have tried to bite me, and so many people have fallen [? Apparently unrelated to the food discussion]

I put cilantro, meat loaf, Texas hot sauce, all the nasty stuff…I put it in water and then I nuke it. And then I put it on YouTube.

Put Pop Rocks in Coke—

No! That’ll kill you!

It will only kill you if it’s Diet Coke.

Take Juicy-Juice, pop, and two cups of sugar, and make it into mush.

[and we wonder why there are so many behavioral issues here]

1 comment:

originalslugboy said...

Ha! I think all my college friends were somehow simultaneously de-aged, and sent to your library to hang out.

Seriously, I've had conversations exactly like this.